Elaine serves as the co-founder of Hilarapy, a well-known comedy therapy group formerly known as Addictive Comedy, established in 2015. In her role, she oversees the daily operations of the company and manages the production of both filmed and live events organized by Hilarapy each year. The group received the prestigious Business of the Year – Supporter of the Arts award in both 2019 and 2022, with Elaine herself being a finalist for The Business Owner of the Year in 2020. For more information, you can visit their website at https://hilarapy.com.
Elaine, a perceptive transformational healer, extends her expertise to clients globally. Her focus is on aiding individuals in transcending subconscious limiting beliefs, eliminating lingering energetic imprints, and providing guidance for making amends, forgiveness, and reconnecting with their energetic younger selves. Additionally, she excels as a spirit releasement expert. For more details, you can explore her services at https://attunedhealthsolutions.com.
Elaine holds a deep passion for the White Rock community, where she both resides and works. Actively engaged with various city committees and groups, she dedicates her efforts to enhancing White Rock’s appeal as a vibrant destination for living, working, and recreation. In October 2022, Elaine successfully ran for a seat on the White Rock Council. To stay updated on her community initiatives, you can follow her at https://meforwhiterock.com
Elaine is well-versed in video editing, having effectively edited various content, including ads, music videos, sketch shows, and more. Amid the COVID pandemic, she returned to school and earned her Video Production and Editing Associate Certificate with honors from BCIT’s School of Business and Media. Explore Elaine’s video portfolio by clicking here
Elaine has orchestrated a multitude of live shows, events, sketch shows, ads, PSAs, music videos, and promotional videos. Her proficiency spans every aspect of production, encompassing pre-production through post-production. Feel free to reach out to Elaine for any production inquiries.
Elaine serendipitously found her love for photography when she enrolled in a photography elective course at BCIT. To her surprise, she discovered a natural talent for capturing moments. Her passion lies in capturing portraits that vividly convey personality and emotions. Explore her portfolio at https://elainecheung.ca/photography/.
Elaine is deeply dedicated to her community, playing an active role in various programs and organizations. At Peace Arch Hospice, she volunteers for their kids camps, provides one-on-one client support, and participates in the walking group program. Additionally, Elaine serves on the boards of the White Rock Farmers Market, Semiahmoo Arts Society, and the Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation. Her commitment extends to directorial roles she has held with organizations such as the Peninsula Community Foundation, Lower Mainland LGA, and the Launching Pad Addiction Rehabilitation Society. Currently, she co-chairs the White Rock City Housing Advisory Committee, exemplifying her ongoing engagement in community service and leadership.
If you are interested in getting a hold of Elaine, simply fill in the form and she will get back to you soon! Or if you prefer you can email her directly at elaine@elainecheung.ca.
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